How to Pack for a Road Trip
Tips for Your Road Trip
It’s that time of year again—road trip! You’re about to embark on the road trip of a lifetime, and you’ve taken care of everything, haven’t you? You went to the best company for car rental in New Jersey there is, and you found the best vehicle that will get you there safely and in good time. You booked the right hotel, motel, or quaint bed-and-breakfast to top off your journey in style. You even thought ahead and saved up enough vacay days to give yourself plenty of time for your trip that includes an effective rewind once you’re back. But wait—what have you forgotten? Oh, just about everything else, that’s all! What about packing? Have you given much thought about what to pack for that awesome road trip? What’s the big deal, you ask? After all, it’s just packing. The fact is that not packing the right items can throw any number of monkey wrenches into your spectacular road trip plans. Naturally, you already know you need to pack all the clothes, shoes, and toiletries your trip will require. But what else do you need? Before you set off for the open road, be sure to outfit yourself with the right tools that will make your trip a fun, enjoyable event.
Maps may seem like a thing of the past, but sometimes you just can’t count on electronics, particularly if the road will take you through areas that could be lacking in sufficient reception. Be sure to take along all the necessary maps of the areas you’re driving through. Naturally, a global positioning system (GPS) is also a vital tool. But again, these can fail; road maps won’t. Take at least two or three of each map, just in case you spill your morning coffee on one.
iPhone or Smartphone
Smartphones, iPhones, iPods, iPads, Androids, etc.—these can be invaluable tools in everyday life; imagine how invaluable they can be if you run into problems on the road. These handy little devices will deliver a never-ending supply of helpful apps right to your fingertips that will assist you in finding nearly everything you need on the road.
Healthy snacks and H2O
You never know when you’ll run into a patch of open space or an area that doesn’t have healthy food options. Though you’ll likely find food and lodgings along the way, these often consist mostly of fast food with little in the way of healthy choices, particularly if you end up there in the middle of the night. Additionally, motels frequently don’t offer anything over and above the occasional vending machine stocked with high-sugar, high-calorie, and low-nutrition options. Be sure to take along a cooler packed with lots of water bottles, fresh—or better yet—dried fruits (because they keep longer), granola and other nutrition bars, pretzels, crackers, etc.
Meds and pharmacy items
By all means, never ever forget all the prescription medications you and your travel companions need. It’s also a great idea to include some over-the-counter pain killers and motion-sickness aids, a first-aid kit, paper towels, hand sanitizers, antacids, and toilet paper.
Spare keys
A spare set of keys is one of the most overlooked items when it comes to packing for a road-trip. Many folks are so busy thinking about the trip; they often don’t consider what happens when they get back home. If you don’t have spare keys, be sure to get at least two of each made before you set off. You may also want to consider giving a set of keys to a trusted neighbor, just in case.
Emergency and disaster-related supplies
Your emergency road kit should include:
- Battery-powered radio
- Jumper cables
- Signal flares
- Your AAA card
- An extra cell phone such as an inexpensive flip phone, as well as its charger
- Dust mask
- Additional maps
- Canned goods
- Rain gear
- Necessary infant items
- Blankets
- Tent
- Compass
- Feminine supplies
- Disinfectant
- Sunglasses
- Travelers checks
So, you see—packing is, indeed, a big deal. For, if you don’t include the important things you’ll need, your road trip could end up being one big disaster that will sap your strength and rob you of your hard-earned vacation time. Follow the checklist above for a smooth road trip every time. And if you need more information that will assist you in making your road trip a pleasant experience, contact a company that specializes in car or minivan rental in New Jersey for additional tips on packing and other subjects.